Stickers, stickers, and more stickers everywhere. Do you collect stickers from your favourite YouTubers? Or sticker swaps. Where do you put them all? Well, we came up with a great idea that you may like to copy. Read on and we will tell you how you can keep your stickers forever even when you sell your van and upgrade to another one.
We have collected a few stickers from shows and we wanted to put them in our campervan but didn't want to stick them to one of the cabinets in our van. If we ever sell our campervan and one-day upgrade to a bigger van, we would lose all those stickers that we have collected. So how could we keep the stickers that we have stuck to a wall but still be able to keep them?
So we came up with the idea of sticking them onto the fridge. The only problem was that we needed to be able to take them off. We looked online and noticed that you can buy magnetic sheets from those big-name craft shops.
A quick visit to our local craft shop and we had a go at sticking the stickers (You can't say that when you have had a few) onto the magnetic sheets and cutting around them, turning them into fridge magnets.

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