Camping Apps We Use
This is a list of apps we use when we go away, we find these useful and hope you may find them useful too.
If there are any apps that you have and think we may find useful, then please drop us a comment below or go to our contact page, and we will check your recommendations.

UKCampsite.co.uk - The net's best, oldest, and biggest internet guide to all things camping and caravanning related. Campsite search, tents, caravans, motorhomes, trailer tents, you name it we love them and we get millions of visitors each month. You don't have to be a member to use the site, and it's free, easy, and has many benefits. There is a link to this site on our home page. This app is available from their website via your phone.

PARK4NIGHT - This is a great app to find and share the places where you enjoyed to relax, spending the night, or having a picnic.
Uncover hidden places, close to nature, and freedom. Forests, beautiful views, parks, creeks & beaches. Inform the community of possible activities around (Windsurf / Kitesurf, Biking, Hiking). Also great for checking out height barriers in car parks. I use this a lot for parking the campervan.

GOOGLE MAPS - This does what it says, maps. It's a great sat-nav. It offers satellite imagery aerial photography, street maps, 360° interactive panoramic views of streets, real-time traffic conditions, and route planning for traveling by foot, car, bike, air, and public transport. You can also download maps and it will still work offline. I have used this a few times on my phone where there's been no signal.

ROAD LORDS - This is a free sat-nav app designed to choose the best route for your truck, van, or other types of large vehicle. It also covers live traffic information from roads - incidents, police controls, speed cameras, and much more. The great thing about this app is you can add the size of your campervan or motorhome in the settings, and avoid low bridges and narrow roads.

WAZE - Another sat-nav that tells you what's happening on the roads. Even if you know the way, Waze tells you about traffic, roadworks, police, accidents, and more in real-time. Again this is a great map app.

WHAT 3 WORDS - This is a really quick and simple way to find, share and save exact locations. The system converts GPS coordinates into 3 word addresses. If you use it to navigate to a campsite, it will pinpoint right to the reception front door. It can also take you to your exact campsite pitch.
Every 3-metre square of the world has been given a unique combination of three words and used by delivery drivers and emergency drivers.

Camper Leveler - An app that helps you level your campervan, motorhome, and caravan. If you park on uneven terrain this app with help you level.
It's very easy to use, just place it on a flat surface and the indicators will show green if your vehicle is flat, or red if not flat. It's that easy.

BRITSTOPS - The Brit Stop app contains details of over 1100 free campervan/motorhome stopovers, from country pubs, farm shops, vineyards, breweries, craft/antique centres, and visitors centres where you can stay in their car park for 24 hours. There is a fee to buy the book which gives you free stopovers. It's just polite to repay their hospitality by buying something, and who doesn't want a meal and a few drinks knowing you can stay over.
You have to be a member of Britstop to access this app. it requires a pin code to open. Caravans/tents are not allowed to use this service.
We also listen to music and radio on many apps that are available that don't need to be explained. And they are Spotify, Mixcloud, My Tuner(Free), Tunein Radio,

All these apps are free versions and are available from your app store. Apple app store for iPhones or Google Play for Android phones. (UK Campsite app is available from their website when looking at it via your phone)

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